Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nothing much

Just figured I should try and post something. See if the dumb thing will let me put pictures out here.

Today we are going out to some friends' who have two acres. We will light fireworks out in their front field and have a BBQ. GOOD TIMES!

Tomorrow we leave with some friends for a beach house in Oregon. We get to stay for four days. Again...GOOD TIMES!

I never even said anything about Jock's birthday. He was twelve on the 22nd of June and it came and went. Very uneventful. That always seems to happen!

G was here, things were chaotic. At least Stud took him shopping and to the new Fantastic Four movie. He couldn't decide between a new bike and one of these. Finally a few days later, he opted for the latter. Now he wants to return it, because (SURPRISE!?!?) Stud and I use it as an incentive for decent behaviour. Shockingly, he doesn't get to play with it much. Once he faces the fact that HE controls that and determines his own life choices, I am sure he will get to use it a lot more!

What else can I yap about??? Hmmm...ah yes! We hope to leave for holiday in good ole Saskatchewan on the 20th. We will drop Jock at hockey camp in Banff and then go on to my parents' in S'toon. Their basement flooded (along with 200 other homes) and we hope it is fixed in time for Stud and I and the kids to stay down there. Otherwise, we can't go. We hope not to miss seeing a lot of family and friends and also don't want to miss my 20th HS reunion!

I graduated in a class of fourteen. Including me. We have all gotten in touch with each other in the past few months and are planning a fun shindig! I am so excited, there are some I have not even seen since our Grad TWENTY YEARS AGO!?!?

Some more news is that I started Jenny Craig again. Stud got a raise, so we can afford it now. I did it for three weeks last August, but there was no way we could afford it. I LOVE the food and it honestly works. It is the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me, aside from basically starving myself. I also did not lose enough then to please me. I expected to lose at least ten pounds in those three weeks. Anything I have ever done on my own, I lose very quickly. Unfortunately, those things are too hard and torturous. When I was only losing two pounds a week, I quit. I hated to spend the money for that "small" (now I know I should have been elated and that is very good! LOL) amount of weight loss.

So I decided to try it again and stick with it at least a few months. I signed up and today is my seventh day on it. Even with cheating a few times, when I went to my weigh in yesterday, I have lost 4.6 pounds! In just SIX days. And the REALLY weird thing is that I had not gained anything back. When I lost those six lbs last summer I kept all of it off this whole time?? It HAS to be from Curves. Even though I am far from regular at that (I have gone about six times in the past two months) even that small amount does SOMETHING.

SO! Only about 25 more lbs to go and I will be at my goal weight! Just in time for Stud and I's trip to Hawai'i this November:) I have not been in a bikini in about thirteen years. And when I was, like LM said on her recent post, I did nothing. I lived my life, ate anything I wanted and never exercised. Not only that, I did not even appreciate how good I had it. I would listen to people whine about diets and weight and clothes sizes and wonder what their problem was and what they were worried about. NOW I KNOW! LOL

Alright, I need to get off here and pack.


The Ramblin Irishman said...

Congrats on the weight loss. My daughter is trying JC and I hope it works for her as it is doing for you. Bikini huh.... Does that mean you are going to post a picture so we all can see how you look. hee,hee.

Lowa said...

Tim- Not a chance! LOL Unless I get totally toned again, then MAYBE!

Let me know how your daughter does.

I need to catch up on your blog, I looked the other day and was glad to see that you are back! I need to read about your adventures!