Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

I was spoiled yesterday!

They woke me up around nine by coming into the bedroom with a dozen roses and some gifts and cards. As well as my latest addiction from Starbucks. A Cinnamon Dolce Latte. YUM!

So that was special. I got a lovely book about prayers for Mothers. A BEAUTIFUL pin that is a butterfly with blue gems in the wings and the body is a cross. When I helped in Princess' class at school last week, I was in charge of helping the kids wrap the Mother's Day gifts. So I already knew what I was getting!

They are frames with a photo of the child in them. I was surprised because they are spray painted black. It is clear the children had nothing to do with them and there is no colour or addition to make them unique and like the children had any part in it. Kind or morbid looking, actually. I was wondering who chose to spray paint all of these frames BLACK for Mother's Day?? LOL Kind of odd. Of course the photo of Princess brightens it up a lot and makes it beautiful:)

So I was settling down for a day of watching old footage of the kids being born, and just them when they were babies. Christmases, birthdays, soccer and basketball games, Jock's first hockey game, etc. As I was enjoying that, a friend called and asked if I wanted to go see a movie.

So we went and saw this which was MUCH better than I thought. I had no desire to see it, but my friend L wanted to. I am glad that I went.

I came back home and settled in for a nice long talk with my Mum on the phone. She was not having the greatest day. Mother's Day is hard since my little brother passed away. She is doing well considering and we caught up on a lot of news. Like I told her, I saved the best for last. Talking to her was the best part of my day! I would love to live closer to my Mum. I have never known what it is like to have her nearby since I have been married. I can't imagine just popping in to visit or her getting to actually spend some time with her grandchildren...*sigh*

Anyway, then I settled down again for more viewing of my babies as babies. We watched Survivor and then went to bed. It was a wonderful day!

Princess has been sick with fever, aches and nausea and is now in the bath tub. I need to go and get her out and then get in the shower myself. Just wanted to toss out a quick update. We are having computer problems and when those are solved, I can post some photos from our day done in Seattle a few weeks ago!

Have a great week everyone!


Leslie said...

I've lived long distance from my mother for the last 15 years. I don't mind it - we stay in touch pretty easily with phone and email. But I think when I have kids someday, that I'll wish to be closer to her or some other family members for the same reason - so my kids can know their relatives and their roots.

I'm glad to hear you had such a lovely Mother's Day. Being greeted with your favorite morning brew is such a simple but great pleasure, isn't it?

The Ramblin Irishman said...

I have a daughter who calls her mother on a regular basis. She lives in California and we are in Idaho. When she was at home they did not have that great of a relationship but it has blossomed into a very special one now, even though they don't see each other. Thank goodness for modern communication.

Lowa said...

L-Yes, I am sure you are right about it changing once you have kids!

Oh yeah, was a wonderful way to wake up:)

Tim- My mum and I had our rought times as well. I guess we all go through that. I wish I kept in touch better than I do. I think of her all the time, it is just trying to get some alone time to talk on the phone. Glad things are going better for Cheryl and your daughter in CA. Is that the one with all the kids??

Library Mama said...

I'm so glad you had a nice Mother's Day.

Main Man and the boys worked hard to make mine nice, too, but it's always been a bit of a bittersweet time for me since my mom passed away.

I think what makes it even harder is that we often spend the day entertaining my mother-in-law, who - frankly - drives me nuts.

Oh well, c'est la vie.