Sunday, December 31, 2006

Clown and Cryptic

Clown got Cryptic's name in the gift exchange that they do. Cryptic is obviously very pleased with the Bionicle Set that Clown got for him. As I have mentioned, Clown does not like to leave the house. He went shopping for his older brother some weeks ago, but could find nothing that was within the price range.

He has over $40 saved up and insisted on spending more than the limit on Cryptic. I refused to let him, explaining how that is not fair to the sibs who can't afford to do that. He was at such a loss, that he ended up just paying me some money from his wallet for something Stud and I had hidden away in the closet to be for Cryptic. He was sad because he did not get to actually purchase it himself and chose it, but he seemed a bit relieved also at the ease of his "shopping trip".

Note that he actually DOES have clothes on. He wore that to our Christmas Eve Candlelight service at church, if you can imagine. It was all I could do to get him out of his PJs, so I did not insist that he wear something more festive. You have to learn to pick your battles, as all of you parents out there know!!

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