We are HUGE fans here in our household and really want to billet one of these young pups one day. The thing is, they need their own bathroom and bedroom and our house is not set up for that. We don't even have enough room for the six of us who live here now! LOL
We think it would be a huge thrill for Jock especially and a great experience for him. He could learn a lot character wise as well as about the game of hockey. I hope we can do it one day soon (when Stud listens to me and buys us some land, digs us a basement and we toss a triple wide on there and call it good) before Jock moves out! We would have PLENTY of room. I know, I know. It depreciates in value. Whatever! At least we would have an awesome place to live! Not to mention the possibility of billeting a TIP!
I digress. So, since Jock has been playing hockey for so long (FIVE YEARS NOW!!!) and I STILL do not understand the game very well, I wanted to learn. I saw a thing on the Tips website about a ladies night to learn about the game.
Stud got me a ticket and I went and had a blast! There were about 75-100 women there. They had some refreshments and some fun door prizes. Six of the Tips were up at a table in the front, along with the coach. He told a lot about his history and how he came to coach them and was a very funny and interesting man. I enjoyed his talk. Then we got to ask the Tips a lot of questions. Most of these women knew their stuff. They understand the game better than me and had gone to this annual event before. So I didn't learn much about the actual game, like I thought I would. I am so glad that I went and certainly want to make it a yearly event! I will have to learn the game by taking some time to teach myself.
A lot of the women actually seemed to spend a lot of time tittering and giggling and asking about "Boxers vs Briefs", which I found very immature. I believe they were older women actually there to flirt with these poor guys!??! I really felt bad for the guys and did not want to act like a tittering hag, but I am sure I came across that way. They were SO polite and nice and patient with us.
So after all this, the coach said that the guys would choose six women to come up front with them and we would play a charade type game. I thought it was a neat idea and stuck my hand up right away. I was so excited to be chosen! I knew if I went up there and played this game, it would break the ice and I would not be so nervous and doofusish around them later.
So we had a great time playing this game but our team lost:( It was me and two other women with Clayton Bauer, Shane Harper and Zach Hamill I felt so bad! At one point poor Zach was acting out burying someone and we were shouting all kinds of words! I was sure I said cemetary, but no one heard me:( That was what it ended up being and we lost because of that ONE word! Clayton was having trouble getting us to understand this one word, so in the meantime he ran to the back of the room and grabbed a cookie from the table and was running back up front. We yelled "COOKIE", so we got that one. I thought that was smart, to go on to another word and then get back to the harder one. Later on as we were all talking, he was eating the cookie. I had not had one yet and realised I was hungry. We had all gotten really comfortable, so I asked him if I could have some and he was very sweet and shared it with me.
So here I am with Leland Irving. What a sweetheart this guy is. He seemed to be the women's fave, they were flirting up a storm with the poor lad!
And here is my personal fave, Mr. Zach Dailey. I feel a kinship to him I guess because he is small, like Jock and quite funny, also like Jock. His face just lit up when I was talking to him about Jock playing hockey also and being small and fast like he is. The guys were teasing him a lot when he and I were posing for the picture, since he is not much taller than little old me:) Poor guy! You should all watch this clip and see how he DID have his head up! I just LOVE it when people who don't play sports like this can sit and judge and critique how someone plays. It just blows me away!! I didn't know that the woman I asked to take the photo was standing so far back and did not get a close up shot. Ah well!
Clayton Bauer was quite a guy! Pretty funny. I think he thought I was a little...I dunno. Maybe I irritated him or something. He kept giving me funny looks. He is the one who ultimately chose me to go up front, so maybe he was regretting his choice! LOL Poor guy! So here we are...
Dane Crowley is very familiar with Saskatoon and we spoke of it a bit:) Hard to imagine that he was born a few months before I graduated from HIGH SCHOOL! ACK!!
Then of course there is Zach and Shane...
So I hope these DANG photos will line up with the correct explanation. I can NEVER get these things to work. I also want to use italics instead of ALL CAPS, but the bloody thing will never work for me!
So there you are. It was a very fun experience and I hope to see them all again soon. I had hoped to meet Kyle Beach
but maybe that will happen some other time.
Jinny, I STILL have not mailed your goodies, I wanted to get Liam some little thing, and finally did last night. So I will get the parcel in the mail tomorrow, ok?? He gets a treat also, for having such a smart mother!
Alright, better get off of here and take care of my family! Hope everyone has a great week:)