Friday, March 03, 2006


Ok everyone, I am back. Thought I would post a little bit while Brain is eating his late breakfast and the younger two are playing together. Jock went to work with Stud. They have some hockey thing after anyway so sometimes he goes to work with him. He is not happy with me, I sent a backpack full of school work for him to do!!!

Lots has been happening around here. Took Brain yesterday for his post-op check. The surgeon had said most people lose 10 lbs the first month after surgery, from eating such a limited diet. I gasped when he told me that, cause Brain needs to GAIN a minimum of 20 lbs. We are talking a 13 year old, almost 5 feet tall (thank GOD he is short) that weighs less than 70 lbs. He looked at him and said "With him, it will be more like 2-3. He doesn't look like he has much to spare."

Turns out he has lost 8. The surgeon is very concerned and wants to see him back in two weeks, which normally isn't the case. He told Brain that he could try a hamburger. Told us various other ideas and inspected the incisions. Two of them are very nicely healed, won't likely show at all. Two of them have a big hard chunk behind them. One of those will go away, but the other one will likely always be there. A small bump. The one IN his navel, we can't even see. He said they have healed up nicely.

He asked Brain if he is glad that he got the surgery done. Brain said YEAH! He asked why and Brain said "Because I feel better. It sucked at first, but I don't feel like I am going to puke all the time anymore. It is awesome." He actually WANTS to eat now, but since things are still a bit limited, he can't.

I got him a hamburger on the way home and he ate it slowly. I let him have about 3 bites and then we set it aside for 5 minutes or so. Three more bites, etc etc. he said it felt SO GOOD to have something of substance in his tummy. All he has had is yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, jello, milkshakes, soup, mashed potatoes, eggs, bananas etc. No crackers, bread, veggies, meat or anything like that. So we are very excited. It seems that he actually has an appetite. Just frustrating that he can't eat anything. He says he can't wait, he is going to go nuts and eat everything in site when he gets the go ahead!!! He can't wait for pizza.

So I am hoping he can put on at least 30 lbs between now and the end of summer. I don't think that is unrealistic, but who knows. He has grown over an inch since December. So he keeps getting taller, which is nice. I just want to stop being able to see every bone in his body. If only I could give him 30 of my pounds!

We are off to Science class today. Lots more news, but I must get off and get things done. WHOA! I got Clown a book about bugs the other day. His latest interest. And now I hear Brain explaining something to him, about females and males attaching to each other. I better go make sure he isn't taking it upon himself to do the "Birds and Bees" talk!

1 comment:

Amanda B. said...

Nobody will be mean to you on my site, honeybunny. Don't worry. Your opinion is always, always welsome. :D